Best of

Photo by rdesai


How Interruptions Can Make You More Creative

Why You Need to Be Disorganised to Be Creative

What Writer’s Block and Stage Fright Have In Common

Should Artists Give the Audience What They Want?

What Amadeus Shows Us About Creativity

‘Too Many Notes’ – How Not to Give Feedback on Creative Work

5 Tips for Giving Feedback on Creative Work

What Seamus Heaney Taught Me About Giving Feedback

6 Tips for Dealing with Feedback on Your Creative Work

What’s the Difference Between Incubation and Procrastination?

Three Ways to Assess Your Own Creative Work

Getting in Touch with Creativity – Roger von Oech’s Ball of Whacks

Brian Eno – 77 Million Paintings

Creative Synaesthesia – If You See What I’m Saying

What Makes a Creative Person?

The Thinkubator and Other Creative Envioronments

The Ingenious Thomas Heatherwick

Creative Flow

Hypnosis and Creativity

10 Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block

3 Steps to Realising Creativity

Media-Neutral Creativity

Creativity Beyond the Creatives

Time Management for Creative People

A guest series for Business of Design Online, released as a free e-book.

1. Why You Need to Be Organised to Be Creative

2. Prioritise Work that Is ‘Important But Not Urgent’

3. Ring-fence Your Most Creative Time

4. Avoid the ‘Sisyphus Effect’ of Endless To-do Lists

5. Get Things Done by Putting Them Off Till Tomorrow

6. Get Things Off Your Mind

7. Review Your Commitments

8. Time Management Resources

Time Management for Creative People – Free E-book

Coaching and Managing Creativity

An Introduction to Business Coaching

What Is Business Coaching?

Coaching Is Not Training, Mentoring or Counselling

Different Types of Coaching

The External Coach or Coaching Consultant

The Manager as Coach

Coaching and Leadership

Key Coaching Skills

The GROW Coaching Model

Formal and Informal Coaching

How Coaching Creates Creative Flow

The Business Impact of Coaching

Why Coaching Matters to Creative Companies

Recommended Business Coaching Books

David Armano on Management

Interview Podcasts

Tina Brazil, People Director, Profero

David Amor, Creative Director, Relentless Software

Mark Earls, Advertising Contrarian

Matt Taylor, Director, Fat Beehive

Terry Childs, Creative Director, Silver Chair

Jill Fear, CPD Manager, The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising

Sian Prime, NESTA Creative Pioneer Programme

Ben Demiri, Brand Manager, SIX Showroom

Richard Scott, Surface Architects

Antonio Gould, Consultant, and Sara Harris, Screen Media Lab

Chris Grant, Consultant, 14A Conversations

Greg Orme, Chief Executive, Centre for Creative Business

Neil Youngson, Technical Director, Cabinet UK

David Roberts, Senior Project Manager, Creative Launchpad

Chris Hirst, Managing Director, Grey London

Russell Davies, Open Intelligence Agency

Chris Arnold, Creative Director, Feel

Ruth Kenley-Letts, Film Producer

Mick Rigby, Managing Director, Monkey Communications

Interviews with Me

Antonio Gould Interviews Me for Channel 4’s 4Cast Series

Chris Ritke Interviews Me at

Emotional Intelligence

3 Reasons Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail

6 Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution

5 Reasons Why Enthusiasm Is Better than Confidence

How to Maintain Your Enthusiasm When Things Get Tough

7 Ways to Stop Worrying When You’re Under Pressure

7 Ways to Tap into Enthusiasm

Are You a Right-Brain or a Left-Brain Person?

Dealing with Difficult People

The Enneagram

A guest series for Successful Blog, released as a free e-book

0. Introduction

1 What Is The Enneagram and Why Should You Care?

2. The Heart Types

3. The Head Types

4. The Body Types

5. Working on Yourself

6. Working with Others

Free E-book – An Introduction to the Enneagram