I’ve just launched Mark McGuinness|poetry, a blog about reading and [tag]writing poetry[/tag].
It includes links to my own poems and articles that are published elsewhere. Currently there’s a link to a recording of me reading a poem at the launch of The Wolf magazine No.3, and some of my reviews and articles for Magma. Other poems and articles will be added as they appear online in archives.
I will also be writing about poetry I’m currently reading and some of my old favourites. I originally intended to include all of my poetry posts on this blog, but it feels as though the poetry wants a space to itself. So the Wishful Thinking blog will continue to focus on media-neutral creativity and its application in business and the arts.
There will be some cross-over between the two blogs, with some posts (or parts of posts) appearing in both spaces, so the poetry has not been completely banished from Wishful Thinking – it’s just built an annexe of its own. Let me know what you think of it.